🐱 Hello. This Cat.

I am Cat. Am interest in contemplation, workings of natural world, and human thinkings. Mostly here for crunchy treats 🍤

🐾 About Cat

Cat’s story

New readers may have curiousities. How can Cat type? How can Cat read? What is metal box? Why shrimps? Can read Cat’s origin story here. Please enjoy.


Cat send newsletters 2-3 times month. Subject to change if Cat is very much busy napping or farming crunchies. Cat writes about what interest Cat:

🔎 Sometimes Cat make writings about topic like perspective and labor.
🎨 Writing about poetries and art pleases Cat.
✨ Cat also share lore about Cat’s adventures.
🔮 Once in while, Cat share secrets, like hidden world of dustbunnies.

Ask Cat

Every month, Cat open mailbag and answer questions from readers. Most ask for advices, but can ask Cat anything.

💬 Leave questions for Cat here.
📌 Find all previous mailbag posts here.

🍤 Why Subscribe?

“Its about cats, what's better than that?”

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  (つ  -- —̳͟͞͞🍤  
 |  _つ + —̳͟͞͞🍤 —̳͟͞🍤 ˚ 

Hello. This Cat. Will send email to inbox if subscribe. Thank you, Cat 🐾

Subscribe to Hello. This Cat.

Mostly here for crunchy treats...


This Cat. Am here for crunchy treats.