Hello. This Cat.
Cat hear interesting human words and want share. Cat hear human say “Where you stand, determines what you see.” Cat know this as true. Every day, Cat choose new place to sit, stand, and see. Every day, Cat 👀 world from different perspective.
Sometime, Cat choose place that make Cat’s human not happy. Human not happy when Cat leap on tallest shelf where human keep tiny fragile trinket arrangings. Human not happy when Cat sit in jumble of cords behind big box 📺 that play loud picture.
Cat cannot help this. Cat simply programmed this way. For Cat, seek new and interesting point of view is natural way be.
Regal Kitty, by Margaret Stermer-Cox
This 🖼️ by artist, name of Margaret Stermer-Cox. Painting is make in style, name of Cubism. Cubism mean see many different perspective at same time. Cubism show many point of view inside one point of view.
Cat read interesting human word. This word make by human, name of Gebser. Gebser call this way of seeing many at same time, aperspectival. Cat would like try living aperspectival life.
Cat tell more. When Cat flatten self and shimmy under couch, Cat have new view. Cat add new view to all of Cat’s views. This give many perspective. With new under-couch-view, Cat even have new mood! Under couch, Cat feel like wild cat 🐯 Cat feel like spy.
When Cat see with under-couch-view, Cat more deeply understand life and workings of dustbunny. This very interesting. (Cat think most human too large for shimmy under couch…Cat will share workings of dustbunny if human curious.)
When Cat sit on top of window and watch outside workings, Cat understand more what life as bird like. From top of window, Cat see world from bird point of view.
Many new and interestings point of view give nutrition to Cat’s thinkings. New and interestings point view help Cat learn thinkings of 🪲, 🐦, 🐶. Cat even learn thinking of human. (Cat sorry for disturb Human’s tiny fragile trinket arrangings on bookshelf, now Cat understand.)
Cat life about adjustment, arrangement, and position. All for make aperspectival awareness. Now Cat share some of favorite places for interesting view.
Must charge fee for use of plastic stick. Will accept chin scratches.
Human prepare pile of clean warm fabrics special for cat? Thank you.
Not silently judging you (but also silently judging you)
Let’s see what Madame Ruby sees.
What mean, “get down from there”
Move along, nothing to see here.
Many perspectives exist at same time. Cat’s perspective depend on where Cat choose to stand. Cat wondering, where human standing now? Why is human stand there and what does human see? Please share, Cat have curious. Cat now have one month as newsletter author 🎉 Cat very pleased receive hearts and comment. Almost as good as 🍤. Cat is very happy human are here.
Thank you, Cat 🐾
Can cat comment on dust coyotes? My human says they are here because dust bunnies so big. Thank you, Gizmo
hwo do yuo know all these big werds (‘д’) ey tray two lurn new human words form big lowd piktur boks bu hrt mey eyes(-_-) ey ask my mam but she jast shout «мяу! мяу!» at mee