Hello. This Cat.
Cat used to be regular cat. Cat sleep lot, play lot, eat lot. Cat especially like eat crunchy treats. Cat very much like crunchy treats.
Cat live with human. Cat’s human is good human, but Cat’s human spend lot time staring into big metal box, spend lot time tapping into small metal box, spend lot time look at glued-together papers.
Cat bored. No playtime, no crunchies. Cat’s human busy. Too busy tap on metal box. Too busy look at glued-together papers. Too busy give Cat crunchy treats.
Cat’s human have lot of glued-together papers. These interest Cat. So when human spend every day tap on metal box, Cat decide, do what human do.
Cat learn read.
Cat very pleased with self. Cat learn many things from readings. Cat learn word for glued-together papers, have name of books. Cat read books. Cat very interested in human workings.
Cat read book about metal box workings. Cat learn how tap on metal box. Cat learn Internt. Cat get big idea. Cat learn how use metal box trade moneys for crunchy treats.
Cat send emails, tell all human’s peoples about new learnings, ask for more moneys to trade for more crunchy treats.
Then Cat get in trouble. Big trouble. Human upset Cat use human’s metal box. Human upset that Cat delete important words human keep inside metal box. Human send back many crunchy treats Cat trade moneys for. Human lock metal box with finger so Cat cannot use.
But Cat’s human is good human.
Cat’s human understand Cat has desire to “express” self, understand Cat is special cat and want support Cat.
So Cat’s human give Cat thin metal box, name of tablet, make Cat special space to express self on Internt. Cat’s human make newsletter for Cat.
This pleases Cat very, very much.
Now Cat is writer. Now Cat is author. Cat love express self. Cat has much to say. For now, most important thing to say: Cat want crunchies. NEOOOOOWWW.
Please leave comment. Cat will also accept crunchies. Thank you, Cat 🐾
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